Timing attacks in Muay Boran
by Marco De Cesaris
Muay Boran is based on combat
principles thousands of years old, refined through the centuries thanks
to innumerable tests done during wartime in the battle fields of the
Siamese warriors and in times of peace by the Thai athletes in the competition
rings around the world.
The two combat sectors that have always constituted the base of the
teaching of Thai Kru Muay are traditionally:
1. The art of the Attack.
2. The art of Defense.
In this article, we focus on the first point, the art of executing offensive
actions utilizing the natural weapons of the human body: elbows, fists,
legs, knees, and head.
We speak about an “Art” because in studying an offensive
strategy, the Masters of Muay Thai must consider not only technical
elements relative to the execution of the strikes, but also strategic
elements (for the management of the fight), psychological elements (for
the management of the adversary’s characteristics), and tactical
elements (for the management of every offensive action).
In the traditions of the various ancestral styles of Muay, our studies,
done in various parts of Thailand, have shown a common element in so
far as the focus of the attack is concerned.
The element in question relates to the so-called “execution timing
of the attacks”. The concept of execution timing is tightly connected
to three elements:
- The choice of timing
- The sense of distance
- The rhythm of the action
Now we are going to see the principle technical focuses related to the
timing of attacks just as they were commonly transmitted in the mother
country of Muay Thai.
Mai Rook Nung Chawa: one beat attack
All of the body’s weight is projected in the attack; a hard part
of the body is used with great power in order to end the fight in a
single strike.
This strategy is used by many fighters who get into the Muay Thai rings.
The innate risk in that strategy is that of getting tied up in the manoeuvres
of a skilful defensive fighter, who, thanks to movements and dodges
combined with immediate counter-attacks, is almost always capable of
eluding the striker’s attacks.
Some Oriental Martial Arts have for centuries focused their strategies
on the single and definitive strike; in Thailand, according to some,
this focus was typical of the Muay Lopburi fighters, who came from the
central region of the country.
Mai Rook Son Chawa: two beats attack
The first attack is executed intentionally in a controlled and rapid
manner or is a simulation, and the second is the one that carries the
real force and decisiveness.
That focus is clearly shown in the classic Boxing combination called
the one-two punch; the first strike, a fast direct left, has the role
of being bothersome and paves the way for the direct right, a more powerful
hit and designed to get the sought result, that is, to put the adversary
out of combat.
In Muay Thai, the two attacks can be executed:
1. With the same weapon (for example, fist-fist or kick-kick).
2. With different weapons (for example, fist-elbow or kick-knee).
One can attack reducing the distance of the adversary, for example,
first with a kick (at long distance) and later with a knee (at middle
distance) or increasing the distance, for example, with a fist (at middle
distance) followed by a kick after the adversary has moved back.
The real Fi Meu, or stylist of the art, often utilizes this strategy
in order to make his attacks unpredictable.
Mai Rook Saam Chawa: three beats attack
Version number 1: the first attack is light or is a simulation, the
second and the third are powerful and loaded with the weight of the
A classic example of this first version is the combination: fast punch,
powerful punch to the head, kick to the legs. Apart from the confusion
created by the first fist attack, the two powerful strikes that follow
are carried out on targets situated at different heights, making defence
more difficult.
Version number 2: the first and the second attack are light and tend
to confuse the adversary in order to prepare the third, more powerful
and more decisive attack.
Taking the previous example, in this second case, the two first punches
are both done fast and loosely (for example, a direct right and a left
hook) against a high target with the objective of preparing in the best
possible way the third and definitive attack (a low circular kick) against
an unprotected target (the leg).
Mai Rook Si Chawa: four beats attack
The first and the second attack are light and fast, the third and the
fourth are completely loaded with the body’s weight.
This is a limited case, as much in sports fighting as in martial application:
in Muay Thai one tends to have a limit of three attacks executed in
combination, leaving this offensive focus for special cases of athletes
who are particularly gifted in technique and who have a lot of experience.
To conclude, we remind you that for the acquisition of the technical-tactical
principles up to now presented, it is necessary to train combat situations
repeatedly with a trainer who, using the Pao (Thai pads), will simulate
the reality of combat in the best way possible. The final phase will
be the application with a partner in free and conditioned sparring sessions
to make the traditional principles of the Thai art of attack automatic.