Muay Thai legends
The Grand Master of Muay Chaiya
The Grand Master of Muay Chaiya, Keat Sriyabhaya (1902-1978)
by Marco De Cesaris
Keat Sriyabhaya
The most well-known traditional combat style in the south of Thailand,
Muay Chaiya, is famous for its fighting strategy based mostly on evasive
and unpredictable movements, as well as ferocious attacks with the legs—kicks
or knees—against the lower parts of the adversary, or sudden
of elbow strikes executed advancing quickly toward the adversary or
literally jumping his defenses. An ancient legend says that Muay Chaiya
was born from the experience of a monk of Chinese origins called Paw
Tan Mar, who after his years wandering, settled in the town of Pum Riang
(Chaiya region) and became the abbot of the temple: for that, the style
developed in the southern area of Thailand, and for decades was represented
by masters of small stature (contrary, for example, to Muay Korat, which
was always more apt for people of taller stature), and in its martial
application emphasized kicks to the lower lines executed with short
and precise trajectories, along with fluid defense and counter-attack
movements executed with the arms (fists, elbows, forearms) and directed
at higher targets like the neck or head.
The more impetuous the adversary is, and for that, not very smart, the
easier it will be to avoid the impact of his strikes, rendering him
unable to do damage with formidable actions directed to the exposed
parts; that is the credo of the Chaiya Boxer, and that precision accompanied
the combats of that style characteristic of Muay Boran in their fights
against the representatives of different styles. The man who most contributed
to popularizing and perfecting the style in modern times was without
any doubt the Grand Master Keat Sriyabhaya.
Born in the district of Tha Taphao in the province of Chumphon in a
family of solid martial traditions, Grand Master Keat was undoubtedly
the most known and respected figure in Thailand in so far as the technical
preparation and moral virtues in the field of traditional Muay Thai
in the last century was concerned. Between 1950 and the year of his
passing, the Master formidably contributed to the preservation of what
for him was the true, original warrior style of Muay Boran, Muay Chaiya,
the style from the south, which had its moment of maximum popularity
during the rein of King Chuylalongkorn. The elegant technique of Master
Keat (transmitted to following generations thanks to his disciple Master
Tong Yaleh) was for years one of the best guarded secrets in Thai Martial
Arts; in fact, it is
said that in the early part of the 1970s, a Japanese Kick Boxing federation
got to the point of offering 100,000 bath in the times of Bramajarn
Keat for him to reveal the secrets of his Art, but the Master kindly
rejected the offer. The techniques of Muay Chaiya go back to the times
in which the combats were ferocious and the boxers were proud to represent
a style of fighting in combat against representatives of other styles
(it’s worth remembering that GM Keat never fought in an official
Muay Thai combat because that was considered inappropriate for a person
of his lineage, but he defended the honor of his Art on various occasions
against challengers from other styles): primarily emphasizing Muay Chaiya’s
elegant way of fighting, full of spectacular techniques. The Chaiya
Boxer based his actions on apparently “defenseless” positions,
which concealed fast and explosive reactions, twisting and bending the
body to totally exploit its flexibility, even at very short distances.
The more aggressive the adversary was, the more the Chaiya Boxer was
able to use the opponent’s own energy against him; that was the
basis of the combat for exponents of the southern style, especially
for Grand Master Keat.
However, the same Grand Master recognized the value of the other styles,
especially the powerful of Muay Korat, whose champions—according
to the Grand Master himself—often won against the Chaiya Boxers
thanks to its ferocious and very violent form of attacking without rest,
with circular kicks and knee strikes, using bones as hard as iron.
The guard position of Muay Chaiya is very different from what would
generally define a Boxing guard (which the Thai Boxers adopted in modern
times with the introduction of gloves and the established number of
rounds); the basic guard at 45 degrees and with the feet parallel that
GM Keat preferred (photo) places the fighter in an apparently defenseless
position, but in reality it hides a great quantity of possible actions
studied for the quick “elimination” of the adversary with
attacks on his vital points. Also, the guard on one leg, derived by
Yang Sam Khum (photo) looks unstable, but really, thanks to specific
training in the Mae Mai typical of Chaiya, it offers the possibility
of striking while advancing, receding or even jumping, at the same time
avoiding the most known arm and leg attacks.
GM Keat used to say that the Muay Chaiya guard has to seem like the
King of the Fruits, the durian, whose exterior surface is hard and bristly
with spines, and for an attacker, it is a source of pain just to touch
it: knees, tibias, forearms, elbows, if well placed, have an important
role in protection, and the experts of the style considered them “passive
weapons.” It is also interesting to note how these very characteristic
and spectacular positions and movements have been partly used in the
production of the famous film Ong Bak for the defensive positions of
the protagonist, the actor Tony Jaa, in order to distinguish the traditional
Martial Art from the modern forms of Kick Boxing.
Movements of cutting elbow strikes, strikes with the forearms, hammer
fists, and strikes with the back of the fist made up part of the Chaiya
Boxer arsenal in his combats to death: in order to be able to exploit
these weapons in the best way possible, the hand wrapping (done with
course cotton rope) only covered the hands of the fighters to the wrist,
the reverse, for example, of what the exponents of Muay Korat did, who
wrapped all of the forearm.
These days, Muay Chaiya has practically disappeared; however, luckily,
thanks to the work of Master Tong Yaleh, the successor of GM Keat, the
principles and the original techniques of the style of that Grand Master
have been transmitted to a handful of followers who, in relatively recent
times, thanks to the mediation of GM Paosawath, have begun to collaborate
with the Association of Thai Martial Arts (AITMA), allowing a fascinating
Art of combat to be available to us, an Art which almost disappeared
forever from the world panorama of Oriental Martial Arts.
“I studied Muay since I was 10 years old; today I am 70 and I
still have a lot to learn. If someone says that they know it all and
have nothing left to learn, I believe that person will never reach the
heart of Muay.”