Muay Thai Boran
Muay Luesee
The “Indian Connection”
by Marco De Cesaris
The re-discovery of the ancestral
style of Muay Boran
Thanks to the long and exhaustive work done in the past years by Professor
Paosawath Saengsawan, the directors of the University of Rajabat, with
the cooperation of the Technical Director of the IMBA, Marco De Cesaris
(a lecturer at that university), the style of Muay Boran that, according
to all the experts, can be reasonably considered as the oldest codified
style, is coming back into the light in its characteristic elements.
The historical figure who represents these characteristics—and
from which the name of the style comes—is the mythical ascetic
Luesee, a wise man who, according to some, embodies the existent common
elements in the thousand-year old Indian culture and the Thai “daughter”.
From the Therapeutic Art to the Martial
Being a truly archaic style, Muay Luesee has come to us incomplete and
fragmented; however, its fundamentals are still studied in all the schools
of Thai Physical Education, no longer under the martial aspect, rather
as an elevated form of curative and strengthening gymnastics. The similarities
between the gymnastic exercises codified by Luesee and Indian Yoga are
varied and, in some cases, amazing given that during the past centuries
the two styles were developed independently: today, the therapeutic
postures that make up the Luesee method number 127, of which 80 are
archaic and the rest go back to a time that one can place between the
end of the 18th century up to the mid-19th century. The system involves
the execution of the various positions in accord with precise linking,
which are studied to develop the energy flow or to cure concrete illnesses.
(Within the channels called “Sen”, also studied in Nuad
Paen Thai Boran, or traditional Thai massage. For that, see box).
The majority of the offensive and defensive movements of the martial
style of Luesee, presuppose great control of the body and a strong sense
of balance, abilities developed through the continuous practice of the
“Thai yoga” positions that make up part of the aforementioned
80 primary sequences. Without the relaxation and loosening abilities
that the various positions allow one to acquire, it is not possible
to execute the complicated and at times acrobatic movements that we
find in the archaic style of Muay Luesee fighting.
An elusive and acrobatic style
In the profile of the technical study of Muay Luesee, some of the style’s
fighting principles can be found in the most ancient variations of some
Mae Mai that are still practiced today. The use of the hard and resistant
parts of the body, along with sophisticated strategies of movements
(footwork), immediately show a clear idea of the purely martial aims
of this ancestral form of Muay Boran.
For example, the head—and in particular, the hard, frontal part
of the cranium—is utilized to strike in hand-to-hand combat situations
or to throw oneself against the adversary with unpredictable jumping
techniques from the long distance (in fact, the Burmese Boxers still
use this strategy a lot); the elbows and the knees (often together)
are used a lot, sometimes jumping over the adversary or using a leg
as a support in order to climb over him and strike him from unusual
positions. Furthermore, the style has an abundance of flying attacks,
which come from the belief that an assiduous, ascetic practice of the
Luesee postures can, among the various benefits, develop levitation
abilities; the punches are executed using various parts of the hand
and, if possible, jumping over the adversary or using the energy of
his strikes (especially the kicks), absorbing the impact with special
deflecting techniques in order to later raise oneself and strike from
above downward, taking advantage of the full force of gravity and making
defenses more difficult.
Finally, the capacity of the followers of Luesee’s style to attain
knowledge of the vital parts of the human body is not of least importance:
in fact, precisely because of constant and long training focused on
the “yoga” postures, the expert practitioner can mentally
draw a map of the vital points of the body of the adversary, striking
with impact angles, weapons, and adequate techniques to make the attacks
more effective, even in the stressful conditions of combat.
Studying the Mae Mai and the Look Mai through the “filter”
of the ascetic style offers the modern practitioner a key to go much
more deeply into his Art than could have been imagined before: the “Thai
yoga” techniques along with the map of the sensitive points offered
by the study of the Sen, make the traditional forms a true treasure
chest of martial knowledge and the real base of the whole Muay Boran
The Nuad Paen Thai
The theoretical fundamentals of the Luesee postures, as well as of Nuad
Pean Thai, or Thai massage, are based on the existence of invisible
lines of energy flow that run through the body, called Sen: the ten
principle energy planes are studied in a particular way in traditional
Thai massage. The principle Acupuncture points are situated—according
to the theory of Nuad Paen—on the Sen lines, which, if studied
correctly, offer a map of the vital points of the human body, as much
for therapeutic objectives as martial. The origins of this theory are
Indian, and the legendary founder of the art of Massage in Thailand
is Indian as well, a doctor from the north of India, Jivaka Kumar (Ishivago
Komarpaj, in Thai). Kumar was a contemporary of Buddha and acquired
notable fame in his motherland some 2500 years ago. Just as occurred
with the archaic Thai martial traditions, it is impossible to find written
evidence of the development of the massage technique and the influences
of the principles of Indian Yoga due to the destruction suffered by
the ancient Thai capital of Ayuddhaya in 1767 at the hands of the invaders
from Burma. In any case, the Indian influence in the current use that
the Nuad Paen Thai masters still make of a form of “Yoga massage”
is evident, following a refined technique that exploits in the best
possible way the knowledge of the energy flow and pressure points typical
of the ancestral Indian tradition.